Thursday, May 20, 2010

8 hours of Cookies

I recently developed an interest in cooking, and baking. I have found a magic store that has everything i could ever want to bake with....Gygi's. On Monday i went to Gygi's, and found some new toys. I got chocolate molds, and cookie molds, to make fancy desserts.

Today is the "Family Fun Night" at the elementary school near my house, and they are having a bake sale, and since my mother is the head secretary for that school, naturally she volunteers my services to make a billion cookies since i have nothing better to do. I went to Gygi's to get the supplies at 9, and didn't finish until about 5 last night, hence the 8 hours of cookies. But these are not just ordinary cookies, they are chocolate covered cookies (basically a heart attack on a stick) . And though the first 10 batches were fun, it got old after a while. But i am proud to say that i have made 120 delicious and gorgeous cookies. However my mother will be lucky if any of them make it to the school tonight.

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